NSF CIF: Medium: Iterative Quantum LDPC Decoders
Nithin Raveendran
Ankur Raina
Narayanan Rengaswamy
Bane Vasic
Francisco Garcia Herrero
NSF-CIF 1855879
Quantum low-density parity check (QLDPC) codes are
the only known class of quantum codes in the stabilizer family that have asymptotically nonzero rates and
are an important cog in realizing scalable, fault tolerant quantum computation. However, traditional belief
propagation (BP) decoding algorithms perform poorly with loopy Tanner graphs and symmetric degenerate
errors, which is a big hindrance in achieving high performance in quantum computing and communications.
Furthermore, most existing work on decoding QLDPC codes rely on classical BP decoding where one
computes marginals of the noisy code word state on the “factor-graph” defined by stabilizer generators. The
goal of the proposed research is to develop efficient and fault-tolerant decoders for finite-length QLDPC
codes leveraging on our prior work on harmful configurations in factor-graph called trapping sets, identifying
quantum equivalent of trapping sets, and utilizing them to improve fault-tolerant thresholds, and ultimately
developing BP and more advanced decoding algorithms that employ classical-quantum messages, to harness
the full potential of QLDPC codes.
BibTeX B. Vasić, X. Xiao, and S. Lin, "Learning to Decode LDPC Codes with Finite-Alphabet Message Passing,"
Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA 2018), Feb. 11-16 2018, pp. 1-10.